Two new customer videos

We have produced to help increase customer awareness of the importance of giving us feedback and how to understand their tenancies.
`Giving us your views’ includes how to make comments, compliments and complaints. Advance customers and staff feature in the video and were instrumental in helping us shape the narratives around their lived experiences. It was driven by customer survey feedback in which customers highlighted they were aware of the ways to share their views but didn’t always feel confident to do so. Using customers talking about their experience we hope will encourage more to give their views in future.
`Understanding your tenancy’ is designed to help our housing customers understand what they can expect from Advance as well as their rights and responsibilities around their tenancy.
The videos were created, in part, in response to comments in the annual customer survey which showed that while many customers understand most of the information we send to them there are others who struggle. To address this we have introduced more easy read translations and summaries of documents, a word bank on our website for more complicated/technical terms, using Plain English on complaint responses and updating our customer pack. The videos will complement this work and we hope will act as an information video for new customers or a discussion starter for existing customers.