Report and Financial Statements 2019/20
We are pleased to publish our Report and Financial Statements for 2019/20 which have been subject to review and approval by our Board and independent auditors. The Report charts our progress in the final year of our Strategic Plan 2017-20. Over the last three years we have made steady progress against our ambitions and strategic objectives. The report highlights our achievements which provide a solid foundation for the future.
Our Strategy for 2020-23 will be published later this year. The Board approved the principles and the overall strategic direction for the next three years in March. Given the unprecedented challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic, it identified the need to review and update the strategy to reflect the new environment. This will allow time for the development of a recovery plan, to re-prioritise and reset the targets for 2020-21 and beyond.
Starting in the final weeks of 2019-20, our focus during the coronavirus pandemic has been on ensuring the health and safety of our customers, staff and the public, having robust plans in place to mitigate the risks associated with the pandemic and ensuring the underlying financial health and long-term viability of Advance. The Board is pleased with the magnificent response that all staff members have shown during these unprecedented and challenging times, and the agility and resilience demonstrated in continuing to maintain our services.
We will shortly be publishing our annual Customer Report highlighting the progress made against our strategy in 2019/20. It is developed for and by our customers and is a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring all of our customers are able to scrutinise our performance and see how their voice is heard. The report will highlight our response to our annual customer survey, performance against the Customer Scorecard measures and summarised the work of the Advance Customer Partnership and Advance Collectives.