Support after a Safeguarding Incident

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Safeguarding Adults Week: Supporting a customer after a safeguarding incident

In today’s post, we explore one of the most sensitive parts of the safeguarding process: supporting a customer following a safeguarding incident.

Pete Morgan, our Independent Safeguarding Panel scrutineer, sets out some key things to consider.


ADVANCE: What is the best way to support a customer after a safeguarding incident, to prevent further abuse or neglect?

PETE: "After an alert has been raised, it is important to revisit risk assessments and the support package and put measures in place to ensure something like that doesn’t happen again such as further training, tightening-up recording procedures or more appropriate risk assessments.

Also, many cases of abuse occur with someone the individual has a relationship with, so it is important to provide remedial and emotional support to help the customer understand and come to terms with what has happened to them.

You can see it isn’t just about dealing with the incident itself but seeing the context and potential implications on someone’s overall life.

Part of this is also considering the impact of a safeguarding process on staff and ensuring they are worked with, supported and provided with counselling if needed e.g. if it is a work colleague who has had an allegation made against them."


Tomorrow: The role of our safeguarding panel


Find out more

The Ann Craft Trust are putting on a series of free webinars this week focusing on various forms of abuse and exploitation. There’s still time to sign up for Friday’s event if you haven’t already.

Friday 25 November (TOMORROW!)- DBS - Safer and fairer recruitment when working with adults at risk. More info >>

If you want to read up more about a specific Safeguarding topic, take a look on the Ann Craft Trust’s website