Advance Collective in Truro

Last week the Advance Collective went to meet customers in Cornwall. Adam and Tom (Co-Chairs of the Collective) held an event in Truro that all customers from Cornwall were invited to attend, before visiting some local schemes to meet customers who couldn't make it to the event.

The Collective talked about the Operations Board, the changes that are happening and how people can get involved, before hearing feedback about local experiences of services and having questions answered by Senior Housing Officer, Jane Couch.

The next day, Adam and Tom were welcomed to Tolvean House, Roan Villas and Pirin Place, where they spoke to more customers and got to see Advance services in action.  Adam said "It's great to see what Advance are doing for customers, and to hear from them about their experiences". The feedback from the Collective will be taken to the Operations Board in October.

The next Advance Collective will be in held in Leicestershire on the 3rd December, for more information contact Rachel.Fox@advanceuk,org