Spending time together

Self-isolating together, Philip and Support Worker Katie, both have a great positive attitude and are finding lots of things to do. Katie is feeling unwell and is a few days behind Philip in terms if her flu-like symptoms. However they are both doing everything to stay healthy and are in good spirits. Philip is looking after Katie as much she is him.
They were really happy to receive a package in the post from Advance containing donated activity items - colouring books, books, puzzles and sweet treats - and a thank-you card.
Area Manager, Di Benden said: "From a personal view I’m thankful to Katie for everything she has done to support Philip and protect the rest of the staff team so they can continue to work in other services. She has children of her own and missed seeing them on Mother's Day. Katie is being very modest in all of this. I couldn’t be any prouder of her than I am right now, I feel quite humbled by her actions."
The rest of the team are checking in on them with a call every day to make sure they are ok, deliver anything they need and just have a conversation. Philip really enjoys baking and has been busy in the kitchen. He also loves art and has taken the opportunity to put his creative skills to good use.