Supporting our customers in their right to vote

Supporting voting rights for Advance customers

At Advance we believe everyone has the right to vote.

We know all customers who express an interest in voting  will be supported to make their choices in the upcoming election.

This post is a reminder that people wishing to vote need to register by 22 May to vote in the General Election on 8 June.

Anyone who has already registered, doesn't need to register again.

People can register to vote online at:

Once registered, all voters will receive a polling card in the post. Votes can be cast at the local polling station on 8th June.

People unable to reach the polling station can send votes by post or can vote 'by proxy' through a third party. Find more information on how to do this here:

There are some great resources, including easy-read guides on supporting people to register and to vote, on the Every Vote Counts website.

We've also produced an Advance easy-read guide to voting in the election.