Safeguarding Adults Week 2023

SAW 23

Today marks the start of Safeguarding week... and this year, it’s all about YOU!

For 2023, safeguarding week is focusing on how you can prioritise the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others. 

You are encouraged to think about what wellbeing means to you and what it means for the people you support.  And if you were able to join the Advance 2023 people conference, you’ll know this is something that we think is really important for colleagues across Advance.

Each day this week the campaign will focus on a different theme. 

Monday: What’s My Role in Safeguarding Adults?

Tuesday: Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safeguarding in Your Organisation

Wednesday: Who Cares For The Carers? Secondary and Vicarious Trauma

Thursday: Adopting a Trauma Informed approach to Safeguarding Adults

Friday: Listen, Learn, Lead – Co-Production With Experts by Experience

Follow us on facebook where we’ll be sharing all the links to content from the Ann Craft Trust throughout the week.

The Trust is also hosting a range of free seminars.  Why not take a look and share with your colleagues?

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