Black History Month: Diminga's story

Black History Month: Diminga's story

“Black History Month is about heritage to me. Celebrating who you are while remembering the history of colonialism and slavery helps us all to consider how difficult things have been in the past. Children don’t see race, so I remain hopeful for the future.”

A Service Manager at Advance since 2015, Diminga first joined the staff team as a casual support worker in 2008. “My family are from Gambia. My father began working in the UK in the 1970s. I came over to visit him. I moved here some years later to study, intending to stay a few years but found myself staying much longer.”

Although Diminga’s father told her stories about racism in Britain, her own encounters have been more positive. “I don’t have any personal experiences of discrimination. There are many mixed-race marriages in my extended family. I visit China every year and feel lucky to be part of an inclusive culture both in London and my wider network. I know there is still prejudice, but things are changing.”

Diminga had several previous jobs before joining Advance. She was attracted to working here as a naturally caring person. “Many of the customers I support have complex needs. Achieving goals and learning new routines can be life-changing for them. It is very rewarding to be part of their journey. We have loads of customers from different backgrounds. It is helpful for them and their families to see diversity in the workforce and meet people who have knowledge of, and can respond to, difference. It would be good to have greater representation of diversity in senior management, among Head Office staff and on the Board. I feel this would help to break down barriers. As conversations take place and friendships develop, we would gain a stronger awareness of one other over time.”