Silver IIP accreditation
We are very happy to announce that we have been re-accredited at Silver level against the Investors in People Standard, demonstrating our commitment to realising the potential of our staff.
Investors in People is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results.
Commenting on the award, Chief Executive Julie Layton said: “Attracting and retaining the best staff to work with our customers is a strategic priority for the organisation. We know that many staff are proud to work at Advance and have been supported to develop their careers. However, we wanted an external assessment of whether we were still heading in the right direction in terms of recruitment, retention and building the skills and knowledge of our workforce. The IIP accreditation is a great framework for us to build on and gives us the necessary insight to see where there are opportunities for us to do even better.”
Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Advance Housing and Support, Investors in People accreditation is the sign of a great employer, and an organisation committed to achieving success by realising the potential of their people. Advance should be extremely proud of their achievement.”