Proud to support Black History Month 2021

This October we are pleased to be supporting Black History Month 2021 to honour and celebrate Black history, heritage and culture which has so greatly contributed to our society today yet is often overlooked, misunderstood and ignored.
At Advance, we are proud to a have a diverse workforce who deliver excellent care to our customers. We have also established an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group which works together to ensure inclusive policies and practices are embedded in the organisation. Through doing this, we hope to keep having important conversations about topics like Black History, with colleagues and in our teams, even after the month has ended.
About Black History Month :
Black History Month takes place in October every year and was first celebrated as an event in the UK over thirty years ago. It was originally founded to recognise the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK over many generations. Now, Black History Month has expanded to include the history of not just African and Caribbean people but black people in general.
The theme this year is ‘Proud to be’, where Black and Brown people of all ages throughout the UK are invited to share what they are proud to be.
BHM 2021 is also encouraging us to ‘Dig deeper, look closer, think bigger’. Educating ourselves on Black history, heritage and culture is a crucial part of understanding racism and standing in solidarity against it.
Here are a few resources so you can take the time to learn more:
Please do explore the subject and have conversations with those around you so we can continue to educate ourselves and celebrate Black History.