Harry's Pledge: An Update


The message behind Harry’s Pledge to support carers has gained momentum with Peter Bone MP announcing his intention to introduce a Private Member’s Bill following a breakfast briefing by Harry’s Pledge at the Houses of Parliament.

Advance signed up to Harry’s Pledge earlier this year, joining a number of social housing and other organisations to  demonstrate our commitment to support workers and family carers by working together to create change.

In their address to MPs, Harry’s Pledge emphasised how it has never been so important to have a renewed national commitment to the country’s support workers and carers.

In signing up to Harry’s Pledge, Advance is part of a group of organisations who are all working towards commitments under these four key themes:

  1. Commitments as employers – this includes providing platforms and support for those who are carers to tell their stories, and to tell us what more they need from us.
  2. Commitments in our workspaces – this includes making offices and community spaces as accessible as possible.
  3. Commitments in the homes we build – this includes building more fully accessible homes and routinely consider accessibility within our existing housing stock
  4. Commitments to paid carers – this includes promoting care as a valued career choice and working with partners to further professionalise care with clear qualifications and career paths.