How Active Support has improved Hagar's life

Advance Active Support presentation at Newnham Town Hall

Last week, Advance's Complex Needs Lead, Michelle along with Gaivile and Esther from our Support Team gave a presentation on the theme of Active Support and how this method has been used to support Advance customer Hagar. They were speaking at the Active Support Celebration event by BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) for the London Borough of Newham.

Advance's Director of Support, Debbie Neill, with Complex Needs Lead, Michelle O'Neill and Service Manager Gaivile TaujenyteThe team were able to show how they have used Active Support and monitoring methods to reduce instances of challenging behaviour for Hagar, giving her greater choice and control. They explained how they use objects of reference to work with Hagar at home and in the community to involve and include her in day-to-day tasks like cooking and shopping.

Director of Support, Debbie Neill joined staff from several Advance support services to watch the presentation, meet commissioners and other participants, and to take part in discussions about how to develop Active Support planning in the future.