Operations Board - October 2019

This week the Operations Board met to discuss service improvement projects and changes to the group, including 2 members stepping down.
Jim and Sal have been with the group since its very first meeting, and at the end of their 3 year terms we were sad to see them go, but so grateful for everything that they have contributed. The meeting was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all that the group has achieved, and to thank Sal and Jim for their involvement.
Sal and Jim spoke about how their experience on the Operations Board had helped them to grow, and both are committed to continuing to champion customer voices. Sal will be continuing her work locally and as a trustee for BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities), while Jim will be joining the Oxfordshire County Council Co-production Champions. We wish them both the best of luck, and look forward to working with them in different ways in the future.
At the meeting we discussed a number of projects including:
- Together with Tenants
- Peer Service Reviews
- Tenant Inspectors
- Changes to the Operations Board
Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in joining the Operations Board and/or suggested new name ideas. Potential new recruits will be invited to meet current members over the coming weeks.
We’re also pleased to announce that, from the many suggestions we received, the group has chosen a new name and motto “Advance Customer Partnership- You speak, We listen”, which we will start using over the coming months.
For more information about any of the above, please get in touch with customerengagement@advanceuk.org