Celebrating Pride Month

We are really pleased to support Pride month. Annual Pride events across the world have made huge strides in securing rights and fairer representation for LGBTQ+ citizens. They continue to play an important role in providing a platform from which the community can speak out against discrimination and prejudice.
The London Pride event will go ahead in September with a wealth of events planned throughout summer including UK Black Pride and London Trans Pride. Advance customers and staff members will attend local and online events to celebrate LGBTQ+ people.
This year’s themes are: Visibility, Unity and Equality. Organisers have asked attendees of the main marches to create placards asking the Government to consider legislative changes, including:
- Enacting the Gender Recognition Act Amendment Bill
- Action to outlaw conversion therapy
- Equal protection for LGBT+ communities against hate crime, by making homophobic, biphobic or transphobic hate crime an aggravated crime in line with racial and religious hate crimes
Chief Executive Julie Layton said “There is no place for discrimination of any kind in Advance. All newly appointed staff receive an induction, during which they will learn about our values, our expectations of how they should treat our customers and our commitments in relation to how they will be treated as a member of staff.”