Customer Information and Assistance

This section is for existing customers - if you would like to apply for our housing or support please use the Contact Us section or call us on 0333 012 4307. 

In this section you will find useful information and resources. We aim to make our information as accessible as possible - but if you need it in another format please let us know.  If you need further information not covered in this section please contact a member of staff or call us on 0333 012 4307. We are always happy to help.

Tenant information

Useful information for customers who live in Advance properties

Tenant information

Shared owner information

Useful information for shared owners

Tenant information

Support customer information

Useful information for customers who receive support services

Tenant information

Get involved

Involving our customers in all aspects of our work

Tenant information

Meeting the standard

Our latest performance reports

Tenant information

Further information

Useful guidance on subjects of interest

Tenant information