Celebrating the Jubilee!

Platinum Jubilee celebrations at Advance Housing and Support

Customers and colleagues across the country got together to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee at the weekend.

In Fareham a planned garden party quickly turned into a house party due to the rain but this didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Sandwiches and tea were in plentiful supply at a party over in Windsor.

In Cornwall customers celebrated with an afternoon tea, sandwiches and scones with jam and cream. The question of jam or cream first was hotly debated! Customers also had a great time making some very stylish origami crowns, painting flags and playing 'pin the tail on the Corgi'!

In Dorset, celebrations took place on the local playing field, while in both Essex and Aylesbury, the weather held out so customers were able to hold a royal knees-up in the garden!

Customers in Newham held a BBQ in their garden too!