Easyread version of Advance's new strategy
This week we have completed an easy-read version of our strategic plan for any of our customers who need it in this format. Our staff have already begun supporting customers to read through the document.
The strategy was developed following consultation with customers through the Operations Board and staff through the Leadership Group, the Voice (our staff association) and the Board.
Customer, Sal describes why 'Transforming Lives Together' was chosen as the title and Advance's new strapline in this short video: http://bit.ly/2pWzXM5
Our vision is to transform the lives of people with a disability or mental health condition by providing the best quality housing, support and employment services. We want to enable our customers to live the lives they choose, achieve their personal goals, feel valued and know their voices are heard.
To download the copies of the easy-read or standard versions of the strategy use the links on the About Us page of this site.