Financial Statements and Report 2020/21
We are pleased to publish our Report and Financial Statements for 2020/21 which has been subject to review and approval by our Board and independent auditors.
It goes without saying that 2020/21 was a challenging year. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Board agreed the main priority was to focus on ensuring the health and safety of customers and staff; having robust plans in place to mitigate the risks associated with the pandemic and ensuring the underlying financial health and long-term viability of Advance.
The Board was pleased with the magnificent response that all staff showed during unprecedented and challenging times - particularly those who worked on the frontline throughout. The report highlights achievements in 2020/21 and progress in the first year of our Strategy for 2020-23.
We recently published our annual Customer Report for 2020/21 which tracks progress against our plans and looks back at the year in more detail. It was developed for and by our customers and is a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring all of our customers are able to scrutinise our performance and see how their voice is heard.