How To Use the Advance Housing and Support Site

This website provides various options that can make it easier for you to view the content.

Changing Text Size

Most modern browsers allow you to "zoom" in to web pages, this will increase the size of the text as well as the images. In most browsers you can zoom in to the page by pressing the "Ctrl" and "+" key at the same time, to zoom out press "Ctrl" and "-", and to reset to the default zoom level press "Ctrl" and "0".

In addtion, you can adjust the font size of most of the text in this site, please follow the instructions below for your browser.

Internet Explorer / Edge
To change the text size select View > Text Size and choose from the options.

Mozilla Firefox 3+ 
To change the text size select Menu > Zoom option to increase the size of the text only or of the whole page.

We offer video in several sections of our website. You will find that the videos have subtitles, and in some cases have the option to show a person doing sign language alongside the video.

To change the size of the page select View > Zoom and choose from the options. 

To change the text size click the Menu icon > Zoom option to increase the size of the text only or of the whole page.
In older versions of Safari select View > Make Text Bigger / Make Text Smaller.

Google Chrome
To change the text size click the Menu icon > Zoom option to increase the size of the text only or of the whole page.

Other browsers
Most modern browsers offer the option to change the text size of a web page, and / or the ability to zoom in and increase the size of the entire page.
Most often the option can be found under the View menu, and is usually called Text Size, Text Zoom, Zoom or something related.

If you cannot find this option in your browser, please consult the help section of your browser.

Listen to this website with BrowseAloud

Whether you are using a Smartphone, Tablet, PC or Mac, BrowseAloud will provide the reading support tools you require for free.

What is BrowseAloud?

BrowseAloud is a suite of products that provides reading support on websites. BrowseAloud reads website content out loud, highlighting each word as it is spoken in a high quality, human-sounding voice.

Other features include:

- Dual-Colour Highlighting - Talking Translator - Secure Site Reading

- Text Magnification - MP3 Maker - PDF Reading

- Talking Dictionary - Screen Masking - International Languages

More than 7,000 websites use BrowseAloud, so once you have it on your device you can listen to all of these websites too.

Who BrowseAloud Helps?

BrowseAloud helps website visitors who require online reading support and those who simply prefer to listen to information instead of reading it. BrowseAloud is particularly useful for those with print disabilities such as dyslexia or mild visual impairments and those with English as a second language.

How do I get BrowseAloud?

To use BrowseAloud's fully-featured version, which includes a dictionary, a translator, an MP3 maker, a text magnifier and reads secure web pages and PDFs, visit the BrowseAloud website to download a small application, free of charge, at

Support with using BrowseAloud

A full range of support services are provided for BrowseAloud:



Tel: 0800 328 7910

Browser Compatibility
This site is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 6+ or Firefox version 1+. To obtain the latest versions of these browsers, please visit:

Microsoft Internet Exporer: or
Mozilla Firefox:

Some parts of the website utilises JavaScript for certain functions, therefore this site is best used with JavaScript turned on.

All text hyperlinks are written out so that they make sense when read out of context. In other words, the site will not use phrases such as "click here" as hyperlinks. Instead, all text that is hyperlinked will be as meaningful as possible.

Some of our longer documents are stored in "PDF" format, which requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the reader for free from

Alt-text Tags
Some images on this site are accompanied by a brief alt-text tag that identifies the image or its function

Advance is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all users. This website conforms to W3C and WAI recommendations and standards and has been tested with various technologies. We are constantly working to ensure that our websites are always inclusive.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Level Double-A conformance icon, 
 W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Valid CSS!

If you encounter a problem accessing our site, or if you would like to provide feedback, please contact us.

More info on accessibility

You can follow these links for additional information and advice on accessibility: