
MyAdvance is our ‘Customer Portal’. On the portal you can report a repair, check your rent account and stay in touch with us. 

Lots of our customers are now using the Portal and it’s the best way to put you in control of your tenancy!  You can ask for someone you trust to help set up and manage your ‘My Advance’ account.

Click here to go to MyAdvance

On the next screen you will be able to log in to your account or set up a new account if you don’t have one yet.

It is very easy to get started – all you need to enter is:

              Your surname

              Your date of birth

              Your 6-digit tenancy reference number. You will find this on any letters we have sent to you.

Forgotten your log in details?

If you have set up an account but forgotten your login details, you can get a reminder by clicking on the ‘forgotten details’ button. This will send a reminder to your e-mail address.