Cost of living

We understand that many of our customers will be affected by the rise in the cost of living. We want to make sure we can provide support and advice to customers through the information on these pages.

If you are in need of advice, support or urgent assistance there are several organisations and government schemes that could benefit you on the pages below.

If you have any issues you wish to discuss, please do get in touch with your usual contact. Alternatively you can contact our friendly Customer Services team as normal on 0333 012 4307 or

Advance Hardship Fund

If you are struggling with the day-to-day cost of living and experiencing financial difficulty you will be able to apply for a one-off amount of funding to assist with essential items such as:

  • Utility Costs
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Microwave
  • White goods

To fill out and submit an application to the Hardship Fund click here

Your Regional Housing Officer or Housing Outreach Worker will also be able to help you to apply.

Please note that cash cannot be paid. Successful applicants to the fund will either receive delivery of the required item or a voucher.

Grants and support

Organisations and government schemes that could benefit you

Grants and support

Urgent cost of living support

How to get help

Urgent cost of living support

Information for shared owners

Eligibility and application guidance

Information for shared owners