Yasemin's story

Yasemin lives at home with her family. She has learning disabilities and mental health conditions. Yasemin is supported with weekly activities in the community by our Community Aspirations Team. Although very quiet Yasemin enjoys being around others and interacting at weekly art , drama and boccia groups. This helps her to make choices and immerse herself in activities of her own choice, while providing respite to her family while they are at work.
In addition to group activities Yasemin also receives one-to-one support to engage with individual pursuits. She enjoys visits to museums, trips along the river and animated films.
Other groups Yasemin is supported to attend include an Access All Areas theatre group and a music group too. She has great rhythm and plays the Turkish drum excellently!
Yasemin loves exploring new places. Recently she went on two family holidays - one to Vietnam where her mother is from and another to Florida, Disneyland. In both cases Yasemin had bags of energy and encouraged the family to explore more than they would have. Although Yasemin didn’t receive support on these holidays, her mother did feedback on how her energy levels and mental health were much improved in new environments.
This feedback motivated and inspired the support team to keep on finding new experiences and challenges for Yasemin to enjoy. She was supported to join a new drama group with people she had never met before and although she was shy at first she made great contributions to the group when given space to do so. When it is safe to travel again Yasemin and her key worker are planning a day trip to Brighton.
Before the most recent lockdown Yasemin was supported to meet her friend in the local park – it was the first time in months that they had seen each other and something they did each week after to keep connected safely.
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