David's story

David has lived in an Advance supported living property for 4 people since 2010. Everyone has their own room. There is a communal living space and kitchen. Having grown up in the same area, David is in regular contact with his family. They visit each other frequently and talk on the phone.
Born with Knobloch Layer Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that can affect a person’s eyesight, balance and co-ordination, David had an operation as a baby to repair a gap in his skull. He left school with 4-5 GCSEs and took college courses in woodwork and ICT skills before beginning voluntary work in several different roles.
After asking for more information on independent living from his social worker, David was supported to move in to an Advance property.
When he first came to Advance David was receiving 22 hours support a week. This has now been reduced to four. Support planning helped David to think about what he wanted to achieve and to set goals and targets with his staff team that were regularly reviewed and discussed with his family and other professionals.
David’s family were initially worried about his desire to learn to drive and get a full time job. Working towards both of these goals has been a gradual process for Dave and his support team. Part of Dave’s support involved having lots of conversations around risks and positive benefits of Dave’s steps towards independence. Family members were included in these discussions and, although apprehensive at first, were happy with the decisions Dave was making and supportive of his choices.
Following a successful interview Dave received training to become a Support Worker with Dimensions. Then, after passing his probation, David decided to come off benefits and work full-time. He passed his driving test and is on the waiting list to get his own one-bedroom flat.
David regularly takes part in Advance Collective meetings, representing the views of customers from across Advance. He has also been on interview panels for senior managers and is part of the health survey project group
“Confidence-wise I can talk to people and do things by myself. Advance are really good in encouraging people to be the best they can be which is what they’ve done for me.”
Supporting David towards full independence has also helped the staff team to feel empowered. Service Manager, Sinti said “Putting David first, was always the most important thing for all of us. Although it has been a very gradual process, all of the staff team are really happy and proud of the work that Dave has put in towards achieving his dreams and living his own life.”
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