What We Do

Our vision is to transform the lives of people with a disability or mental health condition by providing the best quality housing and support services. We do this to enable them to live the lives they choose, achieve their personal goals, feel valued and know their voices are heard.
"Together, we transform lives."
Everything we’ve ever done was because someone, somewhere, wanted something different and better out of life and we were determined to support them to make it happen.
The Early Days
In 1974 we supported four people coming out of institutional care who had a dream of living independently in the community. Back then, our solution was to buy a house on a city street, fill it with furniture, and help them settle in.
Since then we’ve learned to do things a bit differently, and our solution doesn’t stop at a front door and a comfy sofa. These days we support thousands of people at home and in the community– people who start from a position of disadvantage due to their health or their disability and who want more choice, more control and more opportunities.
Where we don't have the knowledge to support people we learn, so that we can get it right; where we can’t provide a solution, we’ll find a local partner who can.
Meeting Expectations
People’s expectations change as their lives change. We are not afraid to get on and meet those expectations in new, forward-thinking ways: making the status and security of home ownership available to people with disabilities or mental health issues, with over 700 people buying a share in their own home; or providing both a suitable home and support to people who have complex needs so they gain more stability and control over their lives.
We’ve come a long way. The number of people we work with across England has grown from 4 to thousands and the range of things they trust us to provide keeps growing. We have won plenty of awards that tell us we are doing a good job but one thing won’t change – we want to be better and enable more people to live the lives they choose, achieve their personal goals, feel valued and know their voices are heard.
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion
Recruiting colleagues and supporting customers from diverse backgrounds
Helping our customers to achieve their ambitions drives all that we do