The Board of Advance is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance; Advance’s system of governance, leadership and management is a key factor in the successful delivery of its purpose.
The Board retains ultimate responsibility for determining the overall strategy, values and ethos of Advance, and for decisions that have significant implications for the organisation. It is made up of non-executive members and an appointed executive member, the Chief Executive.
The Board delegates some responsibilities its sub-committees: the Audit and Risk Committee, the Service Quality Committee and the Remuneration Committee. It also delegates responsibilities to the Executive Leadership Team. The Executive Leadership Team is responsible for the day to day running of and wellbeing of the organisation and for implementing the strategies agreed by the Board
The Advance Customer Partnership provides an important link between the organisation and its customers. It consists of Board members and customers and discusses issues, gathers customer feedback and reviews how well Advance is meeting customer needs and delivering value for money.
The Board has the responsibility for how Advance is run
Executive Leadership Team
We're responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation